Hillstream loaches comprise a unique group of small bottom-dwelling fish with specialized care needs compared to most aquarium species. Mimicking their natural fast-flowing stream habitats remains key to keeping these unusual loaches healthy long-term.
Suitable Aquarium Size
Allowing hillstream loaches ample room to actively move against strong currents starts with an adequately sized tank.
Minimum 20 Gallon Tank
A standard 20 gallon long aquarium functions as the absolute minimum housing size for a small group of 3-5 hillstream loaches though bigger proves better.
Larger Recommended
Ideally house these active bottom grazers in larger setups of 40+ gallons. This allows for the heavy-duty filtration these loaches rely on while also leaving ample floor space for natural zooming behaviors.
Compatible Tank Mates
Hillstream loaches fare best housed with equally lively tankmates compatible with fast moving water.
Large Tetras or Barbs
Medium to large sized schooling fish like tiger barbs, cherry barbs and black skirt tetras make excellent hillstream loach tank mates. Smaller species may struggle against vigorous currents.
Similar Bottom Dwellers
Other bottom oriented fish like plecos, larger cory cats and fast danios do well. Avoid less active choices like bettas or goldfish that prefer calmer conditions incompatible with hillstreams.
Aquascaping and Decor
Tank furnishings should replicate natural environments.
Rocky Hideaways
Focus heavily upon rocky caves, crevices and terraces using sturdy stonework for ample grazing surfaces and shelter opportunities. Driftwood tends to rot over time from constant moisture.
Sand/Fine Gravel Substrates
Bare bottom tanks cause excessive stress. Choose smooth sandy substrates instead of sharp gravel to protect sensitive ventral areas while grazing and flashing behaviors.
Minimal Plants
While floating plants help diffuse light, limit rooted varieties to hardier, non-delicate choices able to withstand weighty water flows. Dense stems tend to accumulate debris in high current tanks.
Water Conditions & Filtration
Recreating fast flowing highly oxygenated water remains imperative for health.
Cool Temperatures
Hillstream loaches hail from cooler subtropical rivers. Maintain water temperatures ideally between 60-75°F using cooling or chillers during summer. Rapids flow and high oxygenation keeps waters brisk.
High Water Movement
Vigorous water turnover through heavy duty canister filters and powerheads simulates the fast rapids they inhabit. At minimum aim for filtration rated for tanks 2-3 times larger than actual volumes.
High Oxygen Levels
Dissolved oxygen levels should test at a minimum 8-10ppm. Combinations of air stones, water splashing and surface turbulence maintains needed levels.
Hillstream loaches offer a uniquely challenging and rewarding aquarium experience once setup properly. By providing these unusual bottom dwelling fish a complex rocky habitat, compatible active tankmates, cool highly oxygenated water and sufficiently strong water flows, they readily thrive and showcase natural behaviors in home aquariums.
FAQs About Caring For Hillstream Loaches
1. How many hillstream loaches can you put together?
Most recommend keeping groups of at least 3-5 loaches together since they tend to naturally exist in loose schools. Larger numbers curb aggressive fin nipping issues common when keeping solitary specimens.
2. Do hillstream loaches eat algae?
Yes, aufwuchs and algal growth comprise the majority of natural hillstream loach diets in the wild. Maintaining some algae and biofilm growth in aquariums provides essential grazing.
3. Can you keep hillstream loaches in tropical tanks?
While technologically possible using tank chillers, combining hillstreams with typical tropical fish that prefer water around 78°F will shorten loach lifespan and increase disease susceptibility compared to cooler temperatures they require.
4. Why are my hillstream loaches dying?
High hillstream loach mortality almost always results from warm water, lack of highly oxygenated conditions or insufficient water movement. Ensure temperatures under 75°F, oxygen levels over 8ppm and high turnover filtration.
5. How can I get my hillstream loaches to eat?
Using powdered spirulana algae supplements, blanched veggies like zucchini tied to decor and quality algae wafers maximizes palatability. Adjust flow rates temporarily during feedings so food reaches the bottom before getting whisked away.
Elizabeth Canales has been passionate about marine life since childhood, ever since receiving her first aquarium as a gift on her 6th birthday. Caring for her beloved goldfish, Coralia, sparked a lifelong love for aquatic creatures. Elizabeth earned her B.S. in Marine Biology from the University of Washington and later pursued a DVM from Delaware State University. Today, she shares her expertise and enthusiasm for marine life through Central Pets & Aquariums. Connect with Elizabeth on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.