What is the ideal tank size for Green Terror Cichlids?

The Green Terror Cichlid (Andinoacara rivulatus) is a stunning freshwater fish that originates from the tributaries and lagoons of the Amazon River in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. With their bright green and white bodies, dotted with electric blue, orange and turquoise markings, these large cichlids really live up to their name.

When kept in aquariums, Green Terrors can grow up to 10-12 inches in length, so providing them with an adequately sized tank is extremely important. This helps reduce aggression, makes them less susceptible to disease and allows them to fully exhibit their natural behaviors. But what exactly is the ideal Green Terror tank size? Let’s take a look:

Minimum Tank Size for Green Terrors

Many sources recommend a minimum 55 gallon aquarium for a single Green Terror cichlid. A tank of this size measures 48x13x21 inches and provides ample swimming room for an adult fish. However, a 55 gallon should really be considered an absolute bare minimum. Green Terrors are energetic, territorial cichlids than need significant space, despite their slow growth rate.

Ideal Tank Size for Green Terrors

While a 55 gallon aquarium may ‘suffice’ for one Green Terror, most experienced cichlid keepers agree that a larger tank is highly preferable. A 75 gallon or even better, a 90 gallon tank provides greater space for swimming and claiming territories. Tanks of this size generally measure 48x18x24 inches (75 gal) or 48x18x27 inches (90 gal). They allow you to add other tank mates and decorations without cramping the Green Terror.

Many hobbyists recommend a 90 gallon aquarium as the ideal minimum tank size for a single Green Terror cichlid. The extra depth front-to-back is greatly appreciated. This allows more natural behaviors, reduces stress and accommodates their large size at adulthood.

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Tank Size for Pair of Green Terrors

Green Terrors form monogamous pairs and can be bred in aquariums when provided with good water conditions. But breeding these large, aggressive cichlids requires an even larger tank than housing a single specimen.

For a proven pair of Green Terror cichlids, most experts recommend a minimum 120 gallon aquarium, preferably larger. A 120 gallon tank provides a sizable 48x24x24 inches of space. This allows each fish to establish their own distinct territories and retreats when needed. It also accommodates courtship behaviors and reduces aggression between the breeding pair.

Some hobbyists have had success breeding Green Terrors in tanks as small as 90 gallons. However, issues with aggression and stunted growth often arise in smaller environments. A 120 gallon or larger aquarium gives the best chance of success when housing and breeding a Green Terror pair.

Aquascaping a Green Terror Aquarium

In addition to tank size, the aquascape and decorations provided also impact the wellbeing of Green Terror cichlids. Here are some key elements to include in a Green Terror aquarium:

– Open swimming areas. Leave plenty of open water for cruising around the tank.

– Rocks and caves. Incorporate piles of rocks, logs and clay pots to provide hiding spots and territory boundaries.

– Rooted plants. Planted areas for shelter are appreciated, but leave room for digging. Species like Anubias and Java Fern are recommended.

– Driftwood. Driftwood helps lower pH levels and allows further territory partitioning.

– Free space. Keep at least 30-40% of tank floor space free of decorations for digging pit spaces.

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Creating seperate territorial boundaries, shelter areas and leafy planted sections helps reduce aggression between Green Terrors. This is especially important when housing a breeding pair. Providing adequate free space is also vital for exhibiting natural behaviors.

Other Green Terror Tank Considerations

In addition to tank size and aquascaping, a few other considerations for housing Green Terror cichlids include:

– Filtration system. An external canister filter capable of filtering 5-10 times the water volume per hour is recommended due to the large bio-load.

– Water parameters. Green Terrors prefer soft, acidic water with a pH between 6.5 and 7.0. Temperature should be 78-82°F.

– Tank mates. Suitable tank mates include other large cichlids like Oscars, Jack Dempseys and Texas Cichlids. Smaller or docile species will be bullied or eaten.

Following these aquarium guidelines provides the best home environment for keeping healthy and vibrant Green Terror cichlids. An adequately sized tank with elements that partition territories promotes natural behaviors in this large, aggressive species. While Green Terrors can technically be housed alone in 55+ gallon aquariums, most hobbyists recommend much larger setups for their good and the health of other inhabitants.

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