Fish Diet Archives - Central Pets And Aquariums Aquarium Guide Tue, 13 Aug 2024 04:16:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fish Diet Archives - Central Pets And Aquariums 32 32 What is the ideal diet for different types of fish? Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:14:42 +0000 Selecting the right foods to offer pet fish depends heavily on categories and feeding habits they naturally exhibit. While some eat flake and pellet staples, ... Read more

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Selecting the right foods to offer pet fish depends heavily on categories and feeding habits they naturally exhibit. While some eat flake and pellet staples, others require more specialty diets to thrive. This guide explores ideal nutrition for common freshwater types.

Tropical Community Fish

Fish like tetras, rasboras, guppies and small barbs kept in tropical community aquariums generally share similar dietary needs.

Flake and Mini Pellet Mixes
Offer a base diet of high quality omnivore tropical flakes containing spirulina algae and quality protein levels around 40%. Mini pellets also make excellent staples with enhanced nutrition and ingredient quality.

Freeze Dried and Live Options
Supplement with bits of freeze dried bloodworms, daphnia and brine shrimp for variety. Live options like vinegar eels or microworm cultures provide enrichment too.

Feed Small Portions
Only feed amounts completely eaten within 2 minutes once or twice daily. Tropical fish become obese and ill easily from overfeeding.


Though often lumped together with tropical fish, goldfish nutrition differs significantly requiring vegetable-focused fare.

Sinking Pellet Formulas
Select sinking pellets specifically formulated for fancy goldfish to avoid unhealthy protein levels floating tropical foods contain. Optimal goldfish diets offer 25-30% plant proteins.

Greens and Veggies
Additionally offer blanched greens like spinach, kale and bits of shelled peas to supplement pellet nutrition several times weekly. This aids digestion too.

Limit Treats
Restrict high protein bloodworms and brine shrimp to occasional feedings only for goldfish. These lack balanced nutrition for long-term staple use.

Betta Fish

Betta fish fill a unique trophic niche as carnivorous labyrinth fish with some unique nutritional considerations.

Carnivore-Specific Betta Pellets
They require meatier fare than common flakes provide. Sinking betta pellets with 35% minimum protein from first ingredients like whole fish or shrimp suit them ideally as staples.

Freeze Dried Treats
In addition, provide freeze dried bloodworms, brine shrimp or daphnia as supplemental treats a few times weekly to vary nutritional sources.

Fast 1 Day Weekly
Bettas prone to bloating and constipation issues benefit from fasting 1 day per week to allow complete digestion and prevent obesity.


Providing proper nutrition remains imperative, yet what constitutes “correct” food differs significantly across fish species and categories commonly kept in home aquariums. Conduct research into natural feeding habits and adjust home diets accordingly. This prevents disorders stemming from nutritional imbalances or inappropriate ingredients that improperly formulated staple foods often cause when used universally across fish types with vastly different needs.

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How to identify and get rid of harmful aquarium worms? Wed, 03 Jan 2024 14:22:45 +0000 Unexpected worms in your tank, be it freshwater or saltwater, understandably set off alarm bells. However, only a few aquatic worm species actually harm fish ... Read more

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Unexpected worms in your tank, be it freshwater or saltwater, understandably set off alarm bells. However, only a few aquatic worm species actually harm fish or live plants. Learning proper identification and control methods helps assess true risks. This guide explores common aquarium worms, damages they cause, and eradication techniques.

Detritus Worms

Detritus worms (Oligochaeta) rank among the most prolific aquarium worms.

Identifying Traits
These thin, white segmented worms reach just 1⁄4-1⁄2 inch long. They tunnel through substrate consuming trapped organic debris and algae. Detritus worms harmlessly aid the nitrogen cycle and indicate established aquariums.

Population Explosions
Overpopulations typically signal excess rotting waste accumulation and insufficient tank maintenance. High numbers appear unsightly but don’t directly damage fish or plants.

Control Strategies
Perform thorough gravel vacuuming during water changes to manually remove worms and decrease food sources. Cut back on feedings as well. Using substrates like sand limits multiply niches compared to gravel. Adding bottom feeders helps control populations through predation too.


Planaria (Dugesia dorotocephala) pose threats, especially in shrimp tanks, with voracious appetites.

Identifying Traits
Greyish-white flatworms with arrow shaped heads and two eye spots characterize these primitive worms up to 2 inches long. They glide along hard surfaces scavenging anything edible.

Hazards Posed
Planaria feast upon shrimp, small fish eggs and vulnerable fry. They reproduce through binary fission, rapidly exponentially increasing in number if left uncontrolled.

Eradicating Techniques
Manual removal offers little lasting success against planaria. Instead use chemical treatments containing betel/areca nut extract (like No Planaria or Planaria Zero). Perform water testing before and after treatment since these products can impact water parameters temporarily. Avoid keeping sensitive invertebrates during treatment.

Camallanus Roundworms

This nasty parasitic nematode notoriously plagues freshwater species.

Identifying Traits
Pinkish-red threads around 0.5 inch long protruding from fish anuses or seen dangling from stomachs characterize Camallanus infestations. Infected fish often display sunken bellies, lethargy, weakened immune systems and appetite loss.

Hazards Posed
A highly contagious parasite, Camallanus punctures intestinal walls causing internal damage, organ dysfunction, secondary infections and eventually death if not addressed.

Treatment Options
Use levamisole hydrochloride (Lev-M) tablets or solutions like Ruby Reef Kick-Ich. Quarantine and treat infected fish. Also treat the main tank with appropriate anti-parasitic medications to prevent further spread or reinfection. Thoroughly sanitize the aquarium afterwards.


Learning to promptly identify aquarium worms helps assess true risks posed. While most remain harmless, predatory species like planaria and parasitic roundworms require swift removal to protect livestock. Combining water parameter testing, manual removal methods, chemical treatments and tank sanitation ensures successful worm eradication without resorting immediately to break-downs when worms appear unexpectedly.

FAQs About Controlling Aquarium Worms

1. How do fish get harmful worms?
Worm parasites and other illnesses often get introduced through infected new fish, plants or untreated feeding items. Always quarantine new arrivals and sanitize gear between tank uses.

2. Can aquarium salt kill worms?
While salt dips may displace some external parasites, salts do not kill resilient worms burrowed in substrate or within fish intestinal tracts. Use targeted anti-parasitic chemical treatments instead for these.

3. Do worm infestations go away on their own?
Left unchecked species like planaria or Camallanus will proliferate rapidly to overwhelming infestation levels. Timely treatment remains essential to curb exponential population growth and transmission between tank inhabitants.

4. Can fish recover from intestinal worms?
Fish infected with parasitic gut worms can fully recover following successful treatment. However, left long term the resulting organ damage makes death inevitable. Monitor during recovery to ensure worm elimination.

5. How do I know worm treatment worked?
Post-treatment you want to see worms fully eliminated based on observation, improved appetite and energy levels in infected fish. Repeat doses or alternative medications as per product instructions if worms persist. Perform follow up fecal examinations using microscopy when possible. Absence confirms success.

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Electric Blue Ram Diet and Feeding Guidelines Sat, 28 Oct 2023 09:40:57 +0000 Boasting metallic blue bodies decorated with dazzling yellow and black fins, electric blue rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) captivate aquarists with their beauty. However, providing these sensitive ... Read more

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Boasting metallic blue bodies decorated with dazzling yellow and black fins, electric blue rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) captivate aquarists with their beauty. However, providing these sensitive cichlids an optimal diet and appropriate feeding routine remains critical to maintaining health.

Staple DietComponents

Electric blue rams require balanced nutrition provided through combination staple foods below.

High Quality Flakes
Flake foods help diversify their diet. Choose brands designed for tropical community fish that contain carotenoids to really make their colors pop.

Freeze-Dried Foods
In addition to flakes, mixing in freeze-dried bloodworms, daphnia, shrimp and tubifex worms supplies the 37-45% minimum protein levels electric blue rams need. This helps prevent lateral line erosion.

Sinking Cichlid Pellets
Sinking pellets catered towards cichlids provide well-rounded nutrition including critical amino acids supporting proper growth and development. Look for pellet sizes fine enough for their small mouths as well.

Supplemental Treats

While the above comprise dietary staples, the following supplemental items enhance nutrition further.

Blanched Veggies
Thawed frozen veggie mixes containing peas, spinach, zucchini, sweet potatoes (all blanched briefly) make excellent treats that also aid digestion. Chop finely or blitz veggie pieces in a food processor for bite-size portions to prevent issues swallowing.

Live or Frozen Brine Shrimp
Both adult and baby brine shrimp eaten live or thawed from frozen state provide beneficial protein and enzymes. However feed only as an occasional treat since excessive shrimp intake risks inducing bloating.

Proper Feeding Techniques

Adhering to optimal feeding techniques prevents common electric blue ram health issues.

Feed Small Portions
Only feed them what they can finish within 2-3 minutes 1-2 times daily. Uneaten decaying food fouls water rapidly. Overfeeding also commonly causes intestinal issues.

Varied Diet
Varying protein sources, freeze dried and pellet foods prevents them becoming bored, leading to poor growth. An assortment of foods also ensures balanced nutrition better than a single item alone can provide.

Use Quality Foods
Quality flake and freeze dried brands may cost more but offer better nutrition and less filler ingredients. Check expiration dates and proper storage as well – expired items provide little nutrition.

Soak Foods Beforehand
Soaking freeze dried bloodworms and tubifex worms before feeding softens them up for easier swallowing while also preventing dangerous intestinal blockages resulting from accidental inhalation of dry items.


Providing electric blue rams a thoughtfully balanced prepared diet comprised of high protein commercial staples supplemented with fresh vegetable matter satisfies nutritional requirements these sensitive cichlids need to thrive within home aquarium environments. Follow proper feeding techniques as well.

FAQs About Electric Blue Ram Diet

1. How often should you feed electric blue rams?
Offer electric blue rams a small mixture of foods once or twice per day. Feed babies and juveniles smaller but more frequent meals 3-4 times daily to support rapid growth phases.

2. What vegetables can electric blue rams eat?
Some of the best vegetable offerings for blue rams include blanched peas, zucchini, spinach, sweet potato, carrots and green beans finely chopped or processed to bite-size portions.

3. Do electric blue rams eat live plants?
While they typically won’t devour aquatic plants, electric blue rams may sample tender leaves out of curiosity. Densely planted tanks help make them feel secure. Choose tougher plants species to allow sampling without destruction.

4. Should electric blue rams eat algae?
While supplemental grazing on algae and aufwuchs won’t harm them, relying on naturally growing algae cannot satisfy an electric blue ram’s dietary requirements fully without prepared foods too.

5. Why are my electric blue rams not eating?
Newly introduced rams often refuse foods initially until acclimated. But appetite loss extending beyond a few days often results from poor water quality, aggression from tankmates or symptoms of an underlying illness requiring attention.

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What Do Crabs Eat in an Aquarium? Thu, 19 Oct 2023 10:12:50 +0000 From bright hermit crabs to large red claw crabs, crustaceans make fascinating exotic aquatic pets. However, their diversity means feeding requirements vary significantly between crab ... Read more

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From bright hermit crabs to large red claw crabs, crustaceans make fascinating exotic aquatic pets. However, their diversity means feeding requirements vary significantly between crab groups. Understanding optimal nutrition helps these animals thrive in home aquariums.

Hermit Crabs

Land hermit crabs comprise some of the most popular pet crabs. Their diets differ greatly from marine crabs.

Commercial Diets
Supplement pelleted hermit crab diets with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats and calcium/protein sources. Quality pellets provide a nutritionally balanced base.

Fruits and Vegetables
Fresh produce like apples, mango, melon, spinach, sweet potato and carrots satisfy dietary needs. Only feed small bite-sized pieces to prevent choking hazards.

Protein Foods
Offer tiny pieces of unseasoned chicken, fish, egg, shrimp or mealworms 2-3 times weekly. These protein sources aid exoskeleton growth during molting.

Provide both fresh and saltwater pools in the crabitat. Use dechlorinated fresh water and marine salt mixes for hydration and shell cleaning.

Red Claw Crabs

Red claw crabs (Perisesarma bidens) rank among aquarists’ favorites for their bright colors and feisty personalities. They eat both plant and animal material.

Meaty Foods
At least 50% of their diet should consist of proteins, including raw seafood like shrimp, fish fillets, mussels and squid which red claw crabs eagerly accept. Introduce new meats slowly.

Vegetable Content
Chopped greens, veggies and aquatic plants provide essential vitamins and nutrients. Favorites include zucchini, spinach, lettuce and water hyacinth among others.

Algae Wafers
Sinking algae wafers make excellent crab foods, providing trace nutrients they instinctively seek in pond and marine environments. Just don’t rely solely on dried foods.

Marine Crabs

Assigning appropriate foods for marine crabs depends upon species. Research individual needs carefully.

Meaty Seafood
Whole marine crabs generally scavenge a carnivorous diet consisting of chopped seafood, whole fish, shrimp, squid, mussels and similar meat proteins.

Algae and Plants
Some marine crabs graze heavily upon algae and aquatic vegetation as well. When keeping plant-eating varieties provide a mix of spirulana, nori, aquatic moss, blanched veggies and algae wafers.


Providing optimal nutrition involves tailoring crab diets based on individual species traits and needs. Research both ingredients and proper portion sizes carefully. With a balanced, diverse diet most aquarium crabs readily thrive in captivity long-term.

FAQs About Aquarium Crab Diets

1. How often should you feed pet crabs?
Land hermit crabs fare best offered small meals of chopped produce and proteins 2-3 times weekly. For water crabs provide bites 1-2 times daily but remove uneaten food within a few hours.

2. Do crabs need a calcium supplement?
Yes, all pet crabs require supplemental calcium from cuttlebone, crushed eggshell or powdered supplements to properly harden their shells after molting.

3. Can crabs eat vegetables?
Absolutely. Veggies like sweet potato, zucchini, squash and spinach provide hermit and red claw crabs essential vitamins and aid digestion. Blanch prior to feeding.

4. Why is my crab only eating fish food?
Crabs often prefer the strong aroma of fish foods. But an all-seafood diet lacks proper nutritional balance long-term in captivity. Introduce alternate options slowly.

5. Are pellets good for crabs?
High-quality aquatic pellets formulated specifically for crabs offer a nutritionally sound staple diet. Just don’t rely solely on dry foods. Supplement with vegetables, nuts and proteins too.

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Dwarf Pea Puffer Care, Tank Mates, Size, and Diet Tue, 26 Sep 2023 10:59:58 +0000 With unique personalities, endless character, and endearing “puppy-faces”, dwarf pea puffers offer advanced aquarists an alternative fishkeeping challenge. But successfully keeping these aggressive and delicate ... Read more

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With unique personalities, endless character, and endearing “puppy-faces”, dwarf pea puffers offer advanced aquarists an alternative fishkeeping challenge. But successfully keeping these aggressive and delicate creatures long-term depends on tailored care. Follow this dwarf pea puffer guide covering proper tank setup, ideal water parameters, size, compatible tank mates, and dietary considerations when maintaining healthy puffers.

Dwarf Pea Puffer Background

Despite their tiny 2 inch size at adulthood, dwarf pea puffers exhibit big attitudes! Originating from slow moving and acidic freshwaters across Southeast Asia, dwarf pufferfish belong to the genus Carinotetraodon. They live an average of 3-5 years in home aquaria. While displaying vibrant coloration and curious behaviors that make them darlings in the fishkeeping hobby, dwarf pea puffers demand very specific care to match their environments in the wild.

Housing Dwarf Puffers

First and foremost, dwarf puffers need ample horizontal swimming room, not vertical height, due to weak swimming skills. Standard 10 gallon aquariums serve 1-2 dwarf puffers well with some plant coverage for territorial markers. Ideal water chemistry should reflect their wild origins with acidic pH between 6.0 and 7.0, minimal hardness, and temperatures around 25 °C (77°F).

Finding Dwarf Puffer Tank Mates

Dwarf pea puffers aggressive tendencies limit tank mate possibilities greatly. Avoid docile community species prone to fin nipping or bullying. Instead select similarly assertive fish able to hold their own against dwarf puffs. Quick moving schoolers able to occupy the upper tank prove best including:

• Smaller rasboras, danios, and barbs
• Surface dwelling hatchetfish
• Larger snails like nerites

All tankmates should be introduced simultaneously while juveniles. Never add new fish later on or the resident dwarf puffer will terrorize perceived invaders!

Feeding Dwarf Puffer Fish

Accustom dwarf puffers onto frozen and live foods to prevent common issues with refusing prepared items later on. Offer a varied carnivorous diet including:

• Live blackworms, brine shrimp, daphnia
• Frozen blood worms, mysis shrimp, daphnia, brine
• Snails like ramshorn and bladder (important beak conditioner!)

Soak dry foods prior to feeding and target feed small portions 2-3 times daily. Dwarf puffers are gluttonous and easily overfed leading to obesity issues.

In Conclusion

The dwarf pea puffer appeals to advanced fishkeepers able to accommodate their space needs, water chemistry requirements, aggression toward tankmates, and willingness to offer regular live foods. With dedication to their unique care strategy, dwarf puffers reward dedication with amazing personalities and endless visual delight watching their behaviors! Just be sure you can commit long-term before taking home these little characters.

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